As an avid movie watcher, I never fail to catch up with the latest screening in town."Guru" had already created a lot of buzz, because of the rumours in the media, of an impending nuptial knot between Aby Baby and Aish.
The movie opens with a small village in India, where an adolescent, who fails in school exams, has a passion to dream big. This takes him to Turkey where he starts with a petty job of a Salesman for Shell Petroleum. On the dint of his hard work, he steadily climbs up the ranks, but is still unhappy. The urge to do a "Bizness" of his own takes him back to India and the city of Dreams "Mumbai".
The camaraderie between Aish and Abhishek is scintillating. And as the soulful music of Rehman, pours in from the background, you are transported into a different world and are almost in a daze watching the beautiful couple. Some of the songs seem to be a misfit in the sequence, but the title song "Aye hairat-e-aashiqui jagaa mat, Pairo se zameen lagaa mat", is so enchanting and divine, that it makes up for the loss of everything.
I was floored by Gulzar's lyrics which are mesmerising. "Jaage hain" has etched an indelible impression on my mind.
Jaage hain der tak humein, Kuchh der sone do
Thodi si raat aur hai, Subah to hone do
Aadhe adhoore khwaab jo, Poore na ho sake
Ek baar phir se neend mein,Wo khwaab bone do
Another one
Do chaar maheene se lamho mein, Umro ke hisaab bhi hote hain
The climax scene is the one to watch for. Abhishek's echoes the heavy baritone of the Big B, and comes out with a wonderful performance. Needless to say that AB baby has entered 2k7 with a Big Bang.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
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